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Lost Transponder Key

Cumming LocksmithIf you use a transponder key, you are probably like most people who don’t know how they ever lived without it. Many newer models of automobiles are designed to drive with a transponder key. This is the type of key that has a chip in it that communicates with a computer to identify you as the owner. Owners are able to start their engines, unlock their cars without having a key in the ignition or in the lock. All they need to do is point the transponder key in the direction of their car in order to receive a response. If your chip is not identified by the computer system it has been programmed to, you will not be able to access your car.

The transponder key was the answer to eliminating car left. Auto theft has decreased drastically since the invention of the transponder key. A car thief needs to have the actual transponder key to steal your car. They are not able to hotwire the newer model automobiles to steal your car. A car thief is clever but he isn’t clever enough to figure out how to steal cars that use transponder keys. However, if you’re not careful, you might lose your key and it could fall into the hands of the wrong person.

You should definitely be concerned if you happen to lose your key. Today, with things being as fast-paced as they are, losing your car keys is not hard to do. If you’re a homemaker or head of the house, you already have a lot on your plate, more than you probably care to even think about. Most of us can’t even figure out how we get it all done. When you notice that you have lost your transponder key, don’t hesitate to give us a call at Cumming GA Locksmith. We can immediately send one of our locksmiths to where you are to program a new transponder key for you. Once the new key is programmed, your old key will not be able to open or start your car. This means that if you have lost your keys and they have fallen into the wrong hands, even if they find your car, the keys will not work. Just remember, if you have a spare transponder key; it will no longer work. You’ll need to get another transponder key as your spare key and also have it programmed.

Reporting Your Lost Key

There are numerous reasons to report your lost or stolen key to your local locksmith. The biggest reason is so that we can come and program another key for you. You don’t need to have a tow truck pick your car up and take it to a dealership to have someone program another key for you. A locksmith can do the same thing and they will come to your location to handle this for you. You don’t have to spend additional money having your car towed. You will not only have the expense of a towing service but you’ll pay a premium price to have another transponder key made at the dealership. Consider the amount of overhead that a dealership carries. They have to pay for this somehow and this is why you are charged more than you would be at a dealership than from a locksmith. Locksmiths don’t usually have as much to care for and this means savings are pass on to their customers. Some dealerships take full advantage of your situation and will charge you twice as much to have a new key made. Don’t let them, instead, report your situation to an auto mechanic and allow them to assist you in this capacity. Resist the temptation to have your car towed anywhere and just give our locksmiths a call.

Avoid Auto Theft

If you were to decide to wait a couple of days to report your transponder key missing, because you had a spare, you may wake up one day and notice your car missing. You don’t know where your car key is and chances are that it could be in the hands of a car thief. If you drop your keys in the driveway, someone may come along and grab them so that they can come back at a later date and take your car. Instead of taking such chances, contact a locksmith and make sure you have your new transponder key programmed right away. Eliminate the possibility of someone stealing your car by having a new one immediately reprogrammed. Our locksmiths have seen this before when a motorist thought they lost their car keys but in actuality their keys were stolen. Perhaps someone was working in their home and they took the keys when no one was looking. Motorists who can’t find their keys need to be very careful and report their keys missing as soon as possible.

Getting the Key Chip Replaced

The chip is what communicates to the computer that the car belongs to you. If you have a transponder key, be advised that the chip is often mistaken for a battery. We see people putting tape over their key to keep what they think is a battery in place when in actuality it is the one thing that helps get your car going. If your key is cracked and you can see the chip, it is certainly time to call an automotive locksmith to let us replace the chip and program it again right away. You may have another transponder key that you can use in the meantime but you should still give a locksmith a call to replace the chip before something happens to it. Having another key programmed before anything happens to your key would be the wisest and most convenient way to avoid a headache. Losing your transponder key can be a big inconvenience. We know that people become very dependent on their transponder key and being without it can be very upsetting. You can avoid being without it for too long by calling a locksmith.

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